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How to develop a storyline with Mina, is it possible to fuck her?

Currently, there is very little Mina in the game, sorry.

Hello, can you add a Russian translation?

I don't have the capabilities for this myself, but if I had to guess, there might be an unofficial translation already out there on a russian site somewhere :D at least there are fan translations in Chinese and Brazil.


How to develop a branch with Bella, except for blowjob and masturbation, there is nothing, gifts do not help, what to do?

There really isn't anything more with Bella yet. Except you can recruit her as a teacher.

How to make sure that all the girls in gloryholes do this.

Raise their corruption + lust. And to make them go all the way, you need to go through the deflowering event with each of them.

And still, Olivia and Emma won't go all the way. Olivia is missing a sex scene and Emma both sex and blowjob.

"Hi, I can't get past the line with Bella (the one in the library). She's just standing there, even though I'm taking books and reading in the library. What should I do?"

Hmm, if you haven't yet managed to raise her affection through other means, buy some flowers from the Convenience store and gift those to her. At 8 or 10 affection she should finally talk to you in the library.

Just out of curiosity and no intention of rushing the developer, when is the next update coming that allows us to do a bit more?

Love the concept of this nevertheless. 

The early access version will probably take 2-3 weeks. That's a hopeful estimate at least. Then the public version will come out 3 weeks after that.

so the full game will be out in 2 months at the earliest then?


Well, probably at the latest. I'm aiming to be a bit faster than that. I've been doing pretty good progress, but there's always the chance of my day job fucking me over :D

hello, i am enjoying the game i just have a few questions.

im a little bit puzzled on how to move the main story forward at this point in the game. I already pledged myself to the demon and catherine and the church recently became available but im not sure how to go forward regarding the academy in the main story.

Lauren has a very high affection and corruption however nothing has triggered in the game either, same wth shirley.

What do have to do to build new rooms in the club after theoriginal 4 are bought?

Aye quick question, is this the kinda game where it only supports going after all the girls or by the end can I be with a single character? Follow up to that question, pregnancy planned? Call me old fashioned but I enjoy an ending that closes with you having a family. One reason I think Once in a Lifetime is one of the best AVNs. Also definitely add more ace attorney, that was insanely fun (for me at least) 

When I started making the game, I was thinking there should be an ending for each of the girls should you choose to spend your life with them. I mean, there might be a total harem ending as well, but that's probably a full corruption ending then :D Anyways, that's still a long way off, heh. So, take everything I say with a grain of salt.

And I haven't made any concrete plans about pregnancy, but I do like the idea. I'm not sure how to fit it in the whole club mechanics etc, but I've been trying to figure it out. As for Ace Attorney stuff, hell yes, I'll be making more of that. The next episode needs to cook a bit longer though - it takes quite a bit of effort to plan the setup and the courtroom sequence. I've got the main plot points planned out for the next episode, but it's still nowhere near ready for production.

I am just wanting to know am if I missing something with the character Olivia. Am I failing to trigger something? Is there a bug? Or is this something not yet added to the game yet?

The journal hint says, "Olivia seems preoccupied. I should try to catch her on the weekend when she's off guard."

So on Sundays and Saturdays I have tried looking for Olivia, the only place I have been about to find her is the Convenience Store at the time of Dusk. I try talking to her she just says, "Umm, I'm sort of doing something right now." This never changes.

Is there another time or place I am suppose to find her? Or is this something no the game yet?

On Saturdays and Sundays, she can be found in the locker room at nights. That's where you'll need to talk to her.

Thank you! I shall admit, searching the inside of the school at night never crossed my mind.

Okay. This is odd. I load my save it, was Sunday. I looked in the locker room, found no. I was going to go through the week and look for her on Saturday, but before I got to the end of the week, I found Olivia in the locker room on Tuesday night.

You're right... It was actually Saturday or Tuesday... I just remembered incorrectly, and seems like the hint in the journal is a bit misleading in that case. Glad you found her eventually!

¿Está en español

I think there might be an unofficial translation somewhere, but I wouldn't know where to start looking. If you know any Spanish visual novel Discord channels, those would be your best bet, I think.

Can't get the update to work, double click the exe. file, nothing. Previous versions still work, but 0.0861 does not start at all. Have I missed something here?

I downloaded it as a test just now and it seems to work fine, so I'm not sure... Try rebooting in case Windows is just throwing a tantrum?

already did that, didn't work so I'm not sure what's going on, I'll try and download it again in case it became corrupted or something. 


just downloaded it again and working now, weird. thanks.

um, i started anna's story and got liliths blessing, when i went to follow her and touch anna the whole thing crashed out and wont let me continue, might need a load button on the main menu or if theres a way i can get my autosave before its deleted thatd beawesome

Same happened to me


Hey, read what I replied to tyrantgnome - same applies to you.


Just click START. In case the START loops you back to the main menu again, that would mean it's bugging out... It's, uh, a gimmick mechanic I wanted to include - the game crashes and when you open it up again, it's appears as if the game's all different.

There have been reports about it breaking more and more now for some reason (I haven't touched the code, so uh, I dunno). I'll make a hotfix that will remove the crash. I liked the idea, but RenPy wasn't really meant to be used like that. That and it seems to cause some panic and confusion, heh.

But yeah, just wait a bit - I'll upload a hotfixed version today. If you were stuck in the main menu, you'll have to delete your persistent file and the latest auto save... Sorry about that.

(1 edit)

love this update even though it takes so much time for some minor addition, hehe. i've passed all of the scenes in the new update, but i really have a serious question. what is the real point of studying in the library? does it affect my skills or smth? 

also i really hope the scenes for deflowering night will be added asap, and another scenes. been expecting larger update in this version but yea ig just take your time, but overall this is a good update.


Studying will affect your stats (but only up to a point).

And you're not alone wishing for the deflowering event :D it probably won't be in the next update, but eventually...

oh yea another thought, have you ever been thinking to add a gallery section? i love all the scenes and js wanna see em back.


Yeah, I'm definitely going to add a gallery. It's just taking a while since it's a big thing for a game of this size, heh.

the rollback function no longer works after the murder case, why?

Hmm, there should be some places where it's being blocked, but it shouldn't be outright disabled. This is the first time I've heard of this happening, so it's quite weird.

So, it's not working at all, or you just can't rewind a particular part you'd like?

I've tried now to do a couple of things but it won't let me go back at any time: bar, when I'm talking to someone and I want to go back and change what to say to them. I also tried changing the scroll from the left , which it was, to the right but nothing

Maybe it got stuck somehow. I know this won't be a perfect fix, but I'll add a system where it will force enable rollback when you sleep in the game (or when day changes).

I can't just force enable it everywhere since there are times when it is turned off on purpose because rollback might screw things up.

Looks like a save file sent by another user has the same issue. I've been trying to figure out why it's not working, but no idea... Rollback is enabled in preferences and in the config, but it's still not working.

Have you edited your save file using a third party tool or something? I'm trying to figure out how this could happen as everything seems normal, isn't working.

no, I haven't odified anything, however this morning the altivirus warned me that the program (the game) kind of could change an internal file, however already since yesterday when I finished the murder case it wouldn't let me scroll back

Well, I've never seen this happen before. All the config and rollback settings were looking okay, but it still had disabled it. I'm baffled.

I can ask the RenPy developer about it, but I won't hold my breath about getting a reply :D


The game has a pegging,ballbusting?


Neither atm. Pegging is a maybe in the future. Ballbusting will probably never happen.


((( I hope it will appear, ballbusting


da fuk


I didn't ask you.

Hi don't seem to be able to get Samantha to accept help with choosing lingerie even though I have her stats maxed out. Believe I have completed every other thing in the game. Also don't seem to get the Aspiring Academics award even though all students are at A*. 



Samantha doesn't actually have content at the lingeriestore yet, and the Aspiring Academics is bugged (but it's fixed in the next version, which should hit beta this week).

Bug: One spot in the isekai section calls the MC "Mark".

Also, it might be worth clarifying in the name box that it can't be the same as the main MC name.  I thought the game was bugged for a minute.


Ah, that's the default name in that part. I'll fix it, thanks!

Idk whether I'm missing something but I am not able to recruit Catherine, every time I ask her to teach she says she is sorry and can't teach. Can you help? Thank you!

Talk to her a lot.  Bring girls to her. 

some images I see in this screenshot in the day are not scenes I found in the game, are they from old versions or are they things to be unlocked yet? although theoretically for the moment I have reached the “end” I think

I saw somewhere a screenshot of blindfolded Hermione. Seems it happens in the club but I played all scenes with her there and did not see anything like that. What does trigger this?

It's from her personal storyline. If you manage to get the most corrupted route for the part where she collects money from the club, you'll get the blindfold scene.

(1 edit)

Automatic shift rotation seems to run dry the money. It removes some girls from shifts, So I would not recommend to develop it currently.

Yeah, it seems a bit buggy atm. Sorry about that.

Waiting for the next update....

The public version of it will release in January or February - it depends when the private build is ready.

Guys I need big help no matter how much I try I just can't solve the court puzzle would someone be so kind to tell me because i'm going crazy lol

Investigation part is fairly straightfirward. U can skip court part if it seems unfit. There is a button.

There is a walkthrough text file in the game folder for that, and it's also available to download separately on the Itch page.

thank you

(1 edit)

Security room what for? It has surveillance mode and Nanako works there at night. Nothing is accessible. Not yet available?

There are a couple of things that might trigger there. The security room will have a symbol on the location button if there is something you can watch.

Deleted 90 days ago

Are we going to get an update before the new year? 

Probably not a public release, but I'm hoping to get an early access release out before the end of the year. It's going to be tight though :D

So when we r going to get a public release?

3 weeks after the beta release. So, sometime in January, I'd say.

how do you get the fourth picture on here?

The one with boobs out? In the very beginning, give Roy what he wants.

If you mean the third picture, that can be seen in the intro as well. If you turn down Nanako, you can choose to masturbate and fantasize about the students.

What do I need to do to go to the beach with Natalie?

Progress in her storyline, have her affection at 11 or more. And you will have to have the beach class trip unlocked through School Policies. If you don't have access to School Policies yet, follow the hints on the main character's profile.

Deleted 90 days ago

Hello, I wanted to ask about Samantha at the bar. I have access to a private dance dispute, but I keep losing, how can I fix it?

You need to train your physique if you want to win. You can train it with Shirley once you've bought training clothes from the convenience store.

is there any scene from the security room other than anna's private dance?

Well, there's the Jennifer's private dance as an alternative to Anna's. And there's one for Samantha (you need to have her work the bar, have a drinking contest, bet a dance and lose).

thanks! i hope there would be more of it in the upcoming update cuz i always curious what they do with customers 

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In the Massage Parlor, how do you continue to progress Hannah? Says the next requirement is "Hannah Maid Novice 1".

I've switched her around roles to see if I missed anything and can't find that particular part. Am I missing something?

Also, I don't know if it's a glitch or just not working as intended, but I've noticed that none of XP upgrades do anything.

No increase for any stat increase that I can tell.  How exactly is that suppose to work?

Well, Hannah needs to have unlocked the Maid class and have at least one level in it. That's the only requirement for that.

Do you mean that the XP research upgrades don't do anything? That shouldn't be - they should add a small boost to your overall XP gain. That means XP to the job/class (not to stat gains).

I just looked again, and I can't find anything that said any characters classes, so I can't even see if Hannah has the maid class available for unlock or not.

Where is that found? I looked in the journal and the club as far as I could and I don't see where that's located.

And as for XP gains, I haven't noticed a difference in anything related to XP before and after getting the first 2 XP upgrades. Maybe I'm just not properly understanding how they work?

It's not completely obvious where to click... I'll add a better menu for it in a future version of the character sheet as well, but for now it's changed by clicking the small orange/yellow button below the hostess' icon in the Club Management screen.

And the difference in XP is not very obvious since it's always a bit random each night, but the gains are there, I promise. It's a small bonus only.

Ah, thanks for the tip.

and yea, the xp from each club night still seems the same-ish. The variance per night seems erratic.

Sometimes it's 7-10 xp sometimes its up to 20 something xp, but it seems random.

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I’m past the part where Natalie and Lilith take part in a ritual, but I am unsure what the next step is after Hermine rubs herself on the table, what should I be doing? The hint says “I should just enjoy my time as the headmaster”, does that mean there’s no more content until the next update?

Yeah, that means that there is no more main story content until the next update. All the girls who have something to do should have their own hints in the journal.

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how did you get this? I have only "lick pussy" ritual option 

I have a problem, the more the nights pass the more the money decreases instead of increasing, what can I do?

You probably have empty slots in your hostess club. Each slot will have an upkeep cost and if it's not filled, you'll indeed feel it. Remove the upgrades for extra slots until there are more girls in the game to put there :D

Does anyone know how to proceed with the Halloween event, I started the event but I don't know what to do now  the students disappeared and none of the teachers or other NPCs gave any tips

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

The journal entry for your character should tell you what to do. In case it tells you to go to the greenhouse, but nothing is happening, I'll be releasing a hotfix for that later today.

Why Auto Forward Option, but no Button Ingame for this? Only Skip not Autoplay :( 

What platform are you on? I'll see if I can re-enable it for the next version.

i am on Windows PC

(2 edits)

So I'm trying to advance Serina quest or whatever, what does it mean by I should see her at the science classroom after the morning class? And I haven't seen Jennifer since the crime scene event, did she disappeared. Also, it would be nice to have idk some sort of guide? Especially to find where the girls I'm just lost and idk what to do at this point.

You should just go talk to Serena at Day or Dusk in the Science Classroom (you can access it through the Hallway).

And the easiest way to currently meet Jennifer is in the courtyard during the weekend mornings.

A guide sounds like a good idea, but I'll have to leave it for the community to write one, sorry :D I barely have enough time to actually work on the game itself. I might have a better way to track the girls in the game eventually, but not yet.

(3 edits)

Okay so idk what I did to fix it, but things are progressing. The only thing that isn't working is Oliva's quest or whatever. All it says is Olivia is preoccupied. I should try to catch her on the weekend when she's off guard. 

I know where to go, its just not triggering. The encounter or whaterver.

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