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like for phoenix wrihgt part

I'm not even going to wait to finish the game, I'm rendering my verdict right now. This is a masterpiece. Five stars, but only because I can't give it more than that.

(SPOILER ALERT) I got to the murder investigation and courtroom scene, and at first I was like, "What the fresh hell is this? I thought this was supposed to be a game about scoring with naughty schoolgirls! I didn't sign up for a murder mystery!" But fuck what I signed up for. It was INCREDIBLE storytelling. I mean, the writing here transcends a porn game. This is art. And speaking of art, the art in this game is literally second to none.

I have no criticisms whatsoever. Keep doing exactly what you're' doing, and don't listen to anybody who says different.

Hot damn! Thank you so much for your kind words - it really means a lot to a solo developer trying to crunch out quality content. Sometimes the feedback can be rather negative regarding the courtroom drama or some individual girls/women, so it's refreshing to hear such glowing reviews, heh.

And it might please you to hear that there's more courtroom drama coming in the future. It will probably take a while before Jennifer's questline will receive a continuation, but rest assured that another murder mystery shrouded in a porn game is in planning stages.

That sounds great, but truth be told, Jennifer is only my fourth, fifth or maybe even sixth favorite character. Number one is Shirley, hands down. Number two and three are Hannah and Natalie, and numbers four, five and six are Jennifer, Serena and Mina. Jennifer's great, I loved taking her shopping and solving a mystery with her, but what I'm especially looking forward to more Shirley, Hannah and Natalie content.

Keep up the great work!

I understand ;D Shirley and Natalie are my favorite girls as well, which might reflect on the content and in turn makes them the favorites for the players, heh.

I don't doubt it!

I agree with Banjorune. I think this is a great game and the courtroom scene is a masterpiece (in a porn game context...). It was hilarious and fun to play. On my second playthrough, I had the option of skipping the content, but wanted to play through it again just to catch anything I missed.

As a U.S. lawyer, I actually thought it was reasonably realistic in context and, like I said, fun to play.

However, I have to disagree that Jennifer is not the best girl out there. (OK, maybe not THE BEST, but absolutely top tier. I also like Lily, Olivia, (perversely) Hermione, and Nanako.

But absolutely keep up the good work. It is deeply appreciated in these parts!

(6 edits) (+1)

hello,  after grinding my fingers sore with the club and taking serena to the cafe i looked for hints on the web and the recurring theme was: its not implemented yet.

which is fine, rather take your time than ruin the really nice work that is already there

 thank you :)

Yeah, sorry about that... The missing stuff will come eventually!

its fine, no reason to be sorry, as long as you stay consistent, unlike with natalie's outfit changes during the ritual storyline :)


Uhh, I have no idea what you're talking about ;D But yeah, I ran into some problems in those scenes. I like the outfit so much I didn't want to change it, so I just conveniently removed the pantyhose in some scenarios, hoping that people might not notice, hehe.

first of, thank you for replying :)

apparently you do know what i m talking about, as your reply was spot on. you break it down to personal preference and its your project, you can do with it as you want. i noticed this inconsistency and a few others and am curious how much it affects the overall impression of the project. let me try to bring this "consistent" part a bit closer: the general theme of the project is that of uniform and a touch of retro, the changed outfit does not fit in either of that, it sticks out, thats inconsistent. alternatively if you dont like the term "inconsistence", try to see the first picture of a scene as a promise, look at this, this is what you can expect. what followed after that, however, was a "broken promise".

Hi guys, I just downloaded the v6.1 yesterday, if you want to keep your save files (I'm on PC), you can go into the old club detention folder -> game folder -> save folder. Copy the save folder and put it in the new club detention folder v6.1, Works like a charm.

Also if you are reading this dev, I love what you do, and i couldn't wait to have more content, I literally missed the game and checked if there were an update, which there was, lucky me =3 


Good to hear your saves worked - I try my best to keep the saves compatible with each new version.

And thanks for the nice feedback<3 Warms this corrupt and lewd heart to know there are such men/women of culture who are into this.

just wondering how do u get serena to research more lewd options affection31 trust 22 loy 0 corru 34 so far and still wont do it

Yeah, I should have been more clear with that. It's not implemented yet - it won't be happening until the main story lunges forward, but that takes some preparation still.

I just tried reinstalling the game today (had to wipe my computer), but the only thing that I can download is the walkthough.

Just a heads up, think something broke!  LOL

Ah, I had forgotten to flag the different zip files for Windows/Linux and Mac, so the Itchio app probably didn't know what to download. Thanks for reporting it and try now! :)

Thanks for looking into that.

Unfortunately, I don't see the PC download.  I do see the Mac download now though!

Lol, try now... I'm an idiot and marked the Mac version as the Windows version and vice versa. Now it should be correct for good.

LOL, don't you hate when you do something like that?  I know I do!

And all good now, thank you!

since the new update im getting a lot of the grey screens had a start from the start as i lost my save 

(1 edit)

Grey screens would mean that there are some images missing. Can you tell me where you're encountering those so I can take a look?

ive deleted my save asnd started again seems to be ok now


keep getting error image anna date cafe 01 not found when take hermione for coffee

Hmm, yeah, you're not supposed to be able to take Hermione out for coffee yet, as her coffee date is WIP. Seems like I forgot to disable it - my bad... Sorry for the confusion.


can anybody share the cheat code with me  and how do i unlock the last 2 things in the club menu been grinding away for ages


There should probably be a disclaimer for it... The last two are just unavailable for you in the current version - they'll be added later. Else I would have just tons of rooms with little content. I'd rather have more content for the existing rooms before starting to expand :)


ok cheers any clues where i can find cheat 


Yes, but you'll probably hate the answer :D The cheat's are posted on my Patreon/Subscribestar for those on tier Detention Supervisor or higher.




While playing the game I got this error

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'setup_case0_labels'.

any solution?


Ah, seems like that's an error on my part. I'm not sure why more people aren't running into it tbh. Download the 0.0581 again, I updated it with a fix to this and one other small bug I found. At least I hope this fixes it for you.

Alright it worked thank you.

Hi never seen Natalie leading yoga you show in the pictures, does this work?


Yes, but it's pretty easily missable. When Nanako wakes you up in the into, you have to just tell her goodnight and then masturbate after she leaves. The protagonist's imagination will do the rest for you.

thanks that makes sense now.  Like this game interested to see it fleshed out more, so I'll be happy to see the club added to.

Deleted 2 years ago

Present the badge you got from Dimberg. As Jennifer says, you can present it from the top of the screen when you're talking to someone (well, when you initiate the conversation at least).

oh you been alright, buddy haven't talk to you in a long time.


android version

There's an unofficial Android port of the game over at F95. For the older version for now - I guess they'll make a new one later.

(1 edit)

How can I tell if I have developed the Club as far as it can go in the current  release? I have installed all the extras but the girls training at the club appears to be stalled. I ask because I have not run into a couple of the scenes depicted in the pictures, which I assumed would be in the storyline.

In the current version, there's not too much to do. But hmm, which pictures are you missing? All of them should be accessible, but only the last one is from the club activities.

The third and fourth from the top. Natalie is leading an exercise class and the next one in a restaurant. And in the club is there a rank above Bar Master?

How do you even access these areas? I'm stuck at Novice and just the Bar.

each night the girls get some experience and you can earn money to build out the club with a bar,  dance stage and massage room.

(1 edit)

yea, I have enough money, but have only been able to build a bar; everything else is LOCKED.

The exercise class is a special scene you get if you turn down Nanako when she's doing the health checkup on you. The restaurant part happens in the intro if you choose the "sub route".

thank you

How do you raise club rating? I have the reputation at 126, but the rating is still 0/10.

The club rating's not really implemented yet. I'm planning a club overhaul after the next update. It's gonna be due as soon as I finish writing the mountain of text apparently needed :D It's a non-lewd update, but there's just thousands of lines of dialogue, so it's been rather long time coming.

Hopefully the lewd and club stuff is faster!


Discord not working? Also, what's the cheat password?

where can i talk to olivia

I'm guessing you're on the first stage of her questline. You might catch her in the gym locker room on Tuesday/Saturday nights.



What's the cheat password?


did you figure it out?



This game has the best and worst character model I've probably ever seen. 
The gym teacher is an absolute smokeshow and she's written super well - can't wait to see where her story goes! 
On the other hand, Olivia (?) - the very small girl - looks like she's mid puberty. I get that they're all "18+" but holy shit whoever made her model should be on a watch list. Hope that she gets an update or something.

Glad to hear you like Shirley - she's also one of my favorites! Olivia was something I went back and forth with thinking whether I should include her or not, but enough people have been insisting she provides good variety so I'll keep her. You can of course feel free to skip her storyline stuff in the future :D

(1 edit)

I agree Olivia provides variety - I'm just saying she's should look at least 6 years old. Her body doesn't necessarily have to change but her face should look at bit less pubescent. I know I'm not a patreon supporter or on a discord or anything, but I'm just trying to look out for you as a developer.

Shirley is a goddess and I would play this game solely for her. 


Is this going to have a harem tag?


Maybe. There was a lot of debate on a forum whether this would be counted as a harem or not since there's the element of pimping out the girls (which you can opt out of) and how that conflicts on harem fans' feelings :D

any chance of android

There's apparently an unofficial Android port somebody's made. You can find it here:

any offical plan

(4 edits) (-1)

What a fantastic start. I absolutely love it so far. Im so happy to finally see tasteful femdom on a VN, that's not just violence, abuse, or cucking.

like others have said, it could be less of a grind. Make gift items a little cheaper, make grades more persistent, maybe give us more time in the day, to give most of the girls enough attention, and still be able to get important stuff done.

Also, please allow us to give Natalie all three books. 

It would also be nice if we could assign girls roles in the club on a timer, or have a visual cue, that would show their stress, so it's not so easy to forget that they've been doing a job for five days.

Loving the scenes and kinks, so far, especially Cindy, her scenes caught me off guard in the best way. She immediately became my favorite character. It would be nice if there were a path, where she could mentor Natalie or another dominant girl, or make both of you submit. Either way, i really want to see more of her.

I love that  you subverted expectations with hermione, by making Natalie the witch.

Im really looking forward to seeing this VN finished, and ill definitely support you on patreon.


Hey there! Great game, good quality! Thought I'd leave a list of things I like and dislike:

Things I like:

  • Club Management - wish there were more upgrades and more events in the different rooms, but I like the direction that this is going.
  • Graphics - Great renders, characters are diverse and attractive, they don't look like aliens.
  • Systems Approach - you mostly have the same options with every girl, but what happens (for instance in the cafe) is unique to each. I really like that.
  • Progression aspects - Girls gaining stats, certain events and options unlocking after stats / story have progressed enough
  • Variety - A lot of places and events even in this early build (0.054) really fun to find out, what you can explore / unlock.

Things I did not like:

  • Unfinished Content hints - Kinda frustrating to be told that the content is not ready. I'd prefer the unfinished content to be inaccessible (greyed out, "coming soon" or something) or entirely removed from the game.
  • Questline Info - I was never quite sure, whether a character had a questline that I could pursue or not. Most just said to get to know them better. I'd prefer a clearer "implemented / not implemented" message.
  • (Nitpick) Love/Corruption Path Lock in with Natalie - I thought you could give her both books or switch between the two. Only realised that you could not after I finished her questline. Again, more transparency / flexibility would be neat.
  • The Grind - There are many girls and stats increase slowly. I value progression systems, but here it seemed like you spend a lot of time just grinding up stats.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to future releases. :)

how do u unlock the last to builds in thee club screen got the club rating to 6 and still nothing


i seem to be in aloop now ive bought the second witch craft book done loads of those and nothing new nothing new to build even though there is 2 slots  on the club page and cant speak to serena in the club i can go for coffee but cant speak and says theeres no more line in this version in the school wheen i speeak to her


2nd witch craft book?

Deleted post

If you've met Serena, check the journal for hints about her questline.

And what if you've gotten Serena's quest to the point of getting the equipment for her and can't find her anywhere any time of the week? I've tried everything I can think of short of restarting.


Huh, that sounds weird. There was one bug previously where Serena's questline got skipped, but a reload of the save should fix it (the journal hint should update). It will rewind the main storyline to before meeting Serena. So, yeah, try just reloading the save.

Otherwise, try waiting for next weekday and check the bar during dusk/night. If none of these work, could you send me your save file some way so I can take a look at what might have happened so I can prevent it in the future? I'll also send you the fixed save file afterwards.

Nothing is working so far. Your discord link expired and itch doesn't support sending feedback files as far as I'm aware so got no way to send the save file over.

Deleted post
Deleted post

discord invite is inactive, and I don't know if this is a glitch but after I bought the equipment for Selena, she has vanished, can't even bring the stuff to her.


i kinda stuck in infinity loop, i trying to hermione and hannah flash me in bathroom but even after milion times increase their exhibicionism they always angry on me for peeking or completly ignore me (same with Anna(?) this girl with dildo in stall)


Hannah will always either not see you or get angry. For Hermione and Anna, you need to up their corruption to have better outcomes. Innocent girls will always be shocked by your lecherous peeping :)

how many corruption i need to see that ;-;

Deleted 2 years ago

The backers on Subscribestar/Patreon already have access, but the public one drops next Thursday.

(3 edits) (+3)

Removing options that were previously selected when you utilize the roll back function is upsetting.

You are removing the enjoyment of your VN and turning into a grind.

The fact that you constantly block rollback and even removes certain options after rollback...

It's harder to play the way we like.


Yeah, I get the frustration, but sadly some stuff broke when the rollback was in effect and caused the game to go down unexpected paths... Maybe if I'll get those fixed, I can unblock rollback. The decision to get rid of it was not done lightly as I like rollback as well.


Thanks for clarifying, I was rather frustrated as the rest of the experience is quite good, I tell you what, I'll change the review to positive if I can and we can both hope that someday rollbacks can be restored, thanks for your understanding Yorma.


Great start! Aside from the few minor bugs, my only complaint comes from the lack of a "back" button. The inclusion of one would enormously increase the game's experience imo


Back button in some of the menus? Or do you mean Renpy's rollback? Rollback is being disabled at some key events because otherwise the player could just reroll skill checks, and in some cases Renpy was acting strange with the data if I used rollback.


I definitely always prefer games where the rollback feature is available at all times. I typically won't use it when first going through a game, but it makes the content much more replayable, by allowing you to customize your experience each time you go back through.


Rerolling skill checks will always happen. You just abuse quick save/load at choices instead of rollback. Personally I like to see what I actually do/say when I pick an option as somtimes what comes out of the MC isn't what I was going for so I'll rewind. IMO it's just better to let a player who wants to roll back have a better experience since it doesn't negatively impact anybody who doesn't want to use it. 

hello do you have a discord?


Hey, and yeah. There's a link to the Discord server on the top of the game's details section.

(1 edit)

now it works

(2 edits) (+1)

Dance and Massage upgrades for the club dont seem to work, just says no one seems to be here.
the 2/3 rituals with Natalie dont work (carnum&hilda although hilda worked first time)

Movie Theatre only useful to bump mood, other options do nothing.

If you demolish a part of the club you cant rebuild it again.

girls cant level up/rooms cant change activities (unless its some crazy grind).

Making it a bit more clear what is still unlockable (gallery or another help menu would be great.

This is the only game without animations that i enjoyed to this degree, no idea why, but good shit.


Holy...I'm really glad you went all out in the game. But yeah, sorry that there's still so much missing content.

I'm currently working on the missing rituals for Natalie  and adding one new event to each club room. And I suppose I hould fix that demolition/rebuild bug! Thanks for letting me know.

And yeah, indicating what's still missing is a problem I've yet to solve... The girls should be able to unlock new classes, but the rooms can't be upgraded yet as that's still a work in progress.

Depite all of this, I'm happy that you liked the game!


If you tell me how to unlock the new classes i could try it to see if its bugged or not.

Also one more thing regarding general gameplay: keeping the girls moods up while trying to maintain club costs is almost impossible. i was perma rotating them and they still lost mood, the only way would be with the cinema (which you need significant progress for) or buying consumables or perma playing good teacher in the meeting room of the club while rotating and not having another room, which leaves  you with the only option to play good teacher until all unlocks and then going corruption.


Hmm, another good point. Maybe picking the girls' favorite classes will increase their mood, or just participating in the lessons. Or maybe a night without work will also raise it up to a certain level at least.

And in the current build, there's only two additional classes available, I think. Bartender and Bar master. Bartender is unlocked when a girl's drink mixing is at least 25, their conversation at least 20, and their hostess expertise 75 or below (it's a weird reverse stat - 100 means she has no experience and by 0, she's a veteran at the hostess job).

'Dance and Massage upgrades for the club'?!
ok so maybe i have a bug but i had only a bar upgrade show up: there's several 'locked' upgrades but they don't show how to unlock or what they might be;  i figured those were just placeholders for planned upgrades...

so, how to unlock those two?


You need to research the rooms first. If you've already recruited Serena, you should know how. If not, visit the bar in the evenings during the work week to meet her.

(7 edits) (+1)

I played it and I must say that I don't think the data you may automatically receive from the analytics could in any way really reflect the players real attitude towards the characters. To be specific, I am currently most interested in Bella, but because she has still little content in-game, her variables are low, so just by looking at  my variables you may get the impression that I'm the most interested in Shirley, which is false, because I only consider her a fun good friend, and do not wish to go on her love route, I just have gathered more points because she has more content, and because I found the other girls personality rather unpleasant for now.

Anyway, options are good. This game has a lot of choices, and a lot of characters. It doesn't feel linear at all. The feeling of freedom of choice this game provides it totally awesome, but I don't really think you can develop in parallel all the girls routes, so, the sad thing I guess is that either way the new versions will come out maybe yearly twice or you will abandon developing some of the girls routes.

You didn't specify which of the girls are main characters and which of them are subcharacters , so maybe are you planning to decide it now based on the data you gather from analytics? I have a bad feeling about this. The data you gather may point you in the wrong direction.


Well, I'm currently working on the next story beats for Natalie and then I'll open up a poll on Patreon to see what people want me to focus on next. Basically, the goal is to have a storyline for each of the students and only some random stuff for the teachers and other NPCs, unless players really, really like them a lot.

And yeah, currently the analytics mainly show how far people are going so I can see if any part of the story is boring or maybe people get stuck before reaching it.

And as for updates, I'd say the updates are going be a bit more frequent. I've rendered 54 new pictures this week alone for Natalie's rituals and a few more for Olivia's swimsuit continuation. Granted, I probably can't render this many shots each week depending on work, but I'll try to do as much as I can as efficiently as possible without sacrificing the multiple choices, routes and freedom in the game. If I could do this as a day job, of course I could easily push smaller bi-weekly updates and monthly bigger updates, but yeah...

As it stands, I can't develop each girl's story in parallel unless I get another enthusiastic developer to write/code or render for me, but I doubt that. Who gets content first comes down to Patreon votes, analytics and just personal preference, so your experience will ultimately vary depending on who you're rooting for.


Nice start so far, it's a good looking vn and the plot is pretty funny. i'd like it if the sprite were bigger and if we have more info (age,weight heigh...) on the character screen. Keep up the good work, i'll follow it ^^


Thank you kindly!<3 The character sprites used to be bigger, but I ran into the problem of tall characters (Shirley, Nanako etc) obscuring the top UI. Or did you mean the resolution of the game? Sadly, 1080p already takes a while to render out content, so any larger than that and I'd be afraid the game would never be finished...I'd love some 4k renders though. Hey, maybe for the inevitable sequel, spinoff or multiverse content.

Also, helping you out with bugs.  There is this one bug that will switch out the reg school uniform with the hostess uniform during the classroom scenes and the game goes into a rollback crash when i try to give a magazine as a gift.


Thanks for letting me know - I'll test it out and get it fixed. And thank you kindly for the longer feedback as well. I'm aware that the game is ambitious, but that's usually the only way I roll, hah. Still, it's proven to produce quality stuff in the past though the process can take me a year or two to see through. But yeah, there won't be anything more besides the hostess club and school activities. Well, besides dating the girls if you want.

As for the analytics, it's totally optional and if you're paranoid, you can always check the code using an unpacker, but I'm only using it for checking how far people are going and which girl ends up the most popular, so I know to focus on their content.

No, yeah.  I was more just curious cause I have never seen it used that way.

It seems interesting so far.  I like the premise.  However, considering that shear amount of women offered i am worried about keeping things straight.  There is also a question on the analytics option(I am not accusing you of anything.  Just curious on how the mechanics work). 

Finally my last worry is the feeling of having bit off more than one can chew.  The idea of a disgraced teacher given a second chance is a cool idea and rising above it, but then you throw the player not only having to be the headmaster AND running the hostess club.  Just seems a bit much and I hope that all there is.  Kind of a lot to throw at a player without much direction.

Other than that i will look on with anticipation.


tem femboys ou trans?


I don't speak French, but I'm assuming you asked if there are femboys or trans. Nope, neither.

do you have any interest in adding a trans character?

(5 edits)

Thanks for the free version, downloaded it now :)

By the way, if I understood correctly from the game description, in this game, every girl does have a linear route, and it's player choice whose route how much the player advances on, right? Or does it also have a linear common route, which anyway requires the player to advance on every girls route, in a way that the whole story would converge into one single unavoidable harem ending?


There will be totally separate character storylines for each character (this doesn't mean that other girls can't appear in said stories). As for the main storyline, that will just be for unlocking new content as I have it ready and perhaps some additional challenges. The main focus of the game will be in the school, club, girls' storylines and random/world events.

But as it's still v0.051, it's a super early version, so there's not super much content yet. If you want to see an example of a character's storyline, try raising Natalie's affection and talk to her in the library.

Thanks :)

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