Uhmm.. I cant turn on the black light on investigation I dont see any button whenever im inside a cubicle.. im using android.. Thank you.. do I need to restart the whole game?
Probably not. It should be on the top of the screen opposite side from the evidence files button when you go into the rightmost stall and look at the floor. If not, I'll look into it on my Android phone just to be sure.
Uh, I've never seen this one before. Let's try to figure it out. Are you starting a new game or loading an older save (and if so, was the save during Jennifer's trial scene by any chance)? What platform are you playing on?
Rather than whinge about bugs, heres info to help fix one: Samantha doesn’t have the “lower” attribute to allow pheromone or lust options if taken for coffee
So i am defending lady slutham and i am questioning the adult shop owner but for some reason i can't make him talk. I took out every evidence from toilets and shop but none evidence are proving anything. Is there something i missed?
I'm not exactly sure what part you're in, but you can download a small .txt file from the game's Itch page that has a walkthrough for the Jennifer's storyline. I suspect you either need to present the pamphlet or the business card to Kyle's 3rd statement, but you should consult the walkthrough to be sure.
Hey first of all wanna say great game! But I have a question, how do I use my upgrade points? I have 2 upgrade points for the bar and 2 for the hangout room but I don't have a selectable option to use them.
Hmm, the same screen should have buttons to spend... Are you playing on Android? If so, there might be a bug related to that, and I can fix it. If not, I'd love to see your save file in case something is terribly broken :D
I am playing on android. I can spend the money to upgrade, but then it says i have points available. On the part where it says which upgrades are active, theres nothing there to highlight or change. How do I send you my save file?
If it's on Android, then there's a bug that's preventing those from showing up. Hmm, well, the good news is that I'll be fixing the issue for the next update. The bad news is that I'm still working on that update, so it'll take a while before it'll go public. I'll probably release the beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar this week, so it'll be public and on Itch a few weeks after that.
I'm loving the game but I'm curious how to use the pool? I have it built but its not available or I cant use it. Am I missing something? I looked at the research and I didn't see anything listed.
Yeah, there isn't a lot of uses for it right now... You can only take some pictures of Hannah there, and one Hermione club event has a path that leads to the swimming pool. I'll be adding more stuff to it eventually of course.
i have already completed the main story line, i just need to research and buy new rooms, but i loose money every night even if i change their jobs. Also when new update?
Hmm, that sounds like a bug or something... Or, do you have empty slots in the club due to club upgrades? Each slot will incur an upkeep cost and if there are slots empty, the upkeep will start to stack up.
If not, could you send me your save file somehow and I'll try to figure out where the money is going?
I can't seem to find how to announce that the role of class president will be reinstated. I tried showing up at all classes and teaching all the classes I could, it never worked.
I am also wondering, what are the stats required for Serena to agree to give us two more upgrade options for the club? She's currently at 38 affection, 20 trust and 8 corruption and she won't allow it.
Hmm, what does Hermione's hint say? If it says you should announce it, and it's not working, then that's a fresh bug I've never heard of before. Could I take a look at a save of yours?
And Serena will agree to it once you've progressed far enough in the main storyline. So, follow the hints on your personal journal page.
Thanks for the reply Sir. Love the game by the way! Indeed it says I should announce it, but everytime I try to teach a class, it doesn't work. How can I send you saves?
You can send them via Discord or upload it to a file sharing website and give me the link. Sounds like something's broken indeed if going to class doesn't trigger it.
But glad to hear it's otherwise good! Animations might indeed be a bit difficult to pull off since this is just a single man's hobby project. Well, at least until those sweet sweet Patreon moneys start rolling in, lol. Still, even full-time in this project would probably mean I wouldn't have time for animations with everything else that needs planning, writing, coding, designing and rendering :( Sorry to disappoint.
Just finished everything I could, I agree with some of the other commenters: I think a gallery would be super helpful, not to just view all the scenes before doing anything, but as like an achievements catalog.
More Scenes for Shirley, Samantha, and Hannah would be super cool. I’m getting the Samantha private dance event(bar), but I’m still seeing a failed corruption check, so I don’t know if that’s affecting the dialogue I get. Also, connecting Samantha’s 3rd event at the Dance stage with the actor at the hotel would be a great event.
Great Work so far! I can tell how much hard work you’ve put into it. Looking forward to the next update (any current projection for when?) and more dance stage, and private room scenes!
The next update will focus mainly on the school part of the game, revamping the school and grade system and tie the mechanics to the rest of the game a bit better. And as for when...I can't really say yet. I was sick for a week and my day job's work piled up while I was on sick leave, so it's been hard to find time to develop the game. It'll take 1-2 months still I think.
What's the new "small new main story chapter with a lewd event"? I cant seem to get any new things to happen, anything specific I need to do to start it?
Also when trying to get the final part of "Drinking contest!" I succeed in all checks except one, but its corruption and hers is over 100. To be exact, there are 2 corruption checks, and I succeed on the first but fail the second. Im unsure why there are even two, the second one has to be something else than her corruption score?
Hmm, there might be an issue with that particular skill check. Thanks for reporting it!
And as for the new main story chapter, it will start once you've seen the previous chapters and your club has a rating of 3 or more. If it's still not starting, could you send me your save file and I'll take a look at what might be broken?
You need to recruit Serena into your school and she'll let you research it. If you haven't met her, follow the hints on your own profile. If you've met her, follow the hints on her profile.
If you've recruited her, but you still can't research stuff, it must be a bug and I'd love to take a look at your save file.
Hi, I've purchased Club Detention however having issues downloading it. I keep getting the following message in the download dropdown box in my browser "File wasn't available on site" for the ClubDetention-0.0734-pc.zip file. Any thoughts?
Any input on how to increase the Cheating skill? Couldn't find anywhere that updated although a couple of the characters have increased 1 time at some point while playing. Fun game.
It mostly won't happen yet since it should only factor in when the girls are in a relationship with you. Natalie's cheating might start going up once she's your GF if you make her watch porn or force her to do lewd things in the club. Though there isn't a lot you can make her do atm. It's mainly there for future content and events.
Thank you! And it's all DAZ and playing around with sliders and morphs until I got a look I liked. Most of them are based on a ready character and I've just tweaked it enough so that it doesn't look identical to all the games that use the same character as-is.
This game COULD be fun, but it's a buggy frigging mess. Error after error after error. And, sure you can ignore the error reports, except in the Ren'py engine, the more errors that the player ignores, the more errors that will occur. Conversations that kick the player to the main menu, locations that seem to be black holes of error reports.
Dude, you got a TON of work to do on this game before it's even ready for release as a demo, much less a game.
I got it saved in my library, but I don't want to even think about it again until V1.0 is ready for release.
I always do a lot of hotfixes because catching all of the errors before releasing is impossible for a solo dev. Though I can't fix any bugs that aren't reported to me.
Sounds like you're encountering a recurring bug which keeps throwing you an error. Could you describe it to me or send a screenshot of the error message?
Look, I'm not trying to be a dick to you, but I think that you would be better off slowing down the development and focus on fixing the bugs that are currently there. As Bethesda has taught us since 'Morrowind' adding new stuff on top of a broken base only makes everything worse in the long run.
As for reporting the bug, I didn't screenshot it. I made it to the day when the girls are introduced to the hang-out room. After which, I saw the red exclamation point on the club's portion of the menu bar, so I clicked it. When I went through the tutorial for it, it kicked me to the main menu. This happened 3 times in a row until I just chose to skip the tutorial altogether. At that time, it was dusk, so I had time to kill. So I went to the bookstore in town, and that's where the first error occurred. I loaded the game from a previous save, and tried again, but the error still occurred. I tried to roll back, but it was like the error screen was frozen. So I reloaded from a previous save again, and tried one more time. The error screen popped up again, and this time I skipped it. The very next text box was fine, the one after that resulted in an error. I reloaded the game from a previous save, and went to the bar instead. And immediately got an error screen. At which point I said "fuck it," and deleted the game from my drive.
Your game has a really good premise. The characters look good. The short time I spent interacting with them was fun. But no matter how interesting the individual components are, if they combine into aggravation it's all for naught. I wish you the best of luck, because I would certainly pay for a quality version of this game once it's finished.
Well, those are good tips what to look for. Tutorial doesn't return you to the game and going to the bookstore crashes for new players. Probably because I just reworked the way inventory and shops work (it used to break with rollback sometimes), but some references to old code might remain.
I playtest the game quite a lot, but it gets super hard finding the bugs as I tend to play it in a certain way even if I try to do things "out of order". Other people just click on things at different points of the game than I would, so a lot of stuff goes unnoticed by me until people report them. Luckily people report bugs pretty often on Discord or forums. But yeah, I get that it's frustrating to run into a ton of bug and tbh I would've probably also quit on a game after running into so many.
I only hope your experience is not the average experience since there are no people flooding my Discord with bug reports 😅 feel free to check up on the game in the future - it might get better. It might not, but I'm forever an optimist.
I hope that my experience is unnatural too. And I will definitely be keeping my eye on this game. It's saved to my library so that I don't forget about it.
I don't make games. I have no practical experience with coding. However, I've been a nurse for over 30 years, and my limited time with "RPG Maker" has convinced me that coding is only slightly harder than surgery!
I seriously hope that this game continues in development and becomes one of the greats. From my short time with it, I believe that it has the potential.
Not for me. I got to the part where they explained the club and I ... said no. ( I quit the game rather than proceed with their plan.) I had an image in my head of who the MC was and agreeing to the plan didn't fit with that image at all.
Absolutely love the game, can't wait for the next update! Just wondering if I have missed anything though as a couple of the renders (pictures) at the top: the yoga stretching one of Natalie and the upskirt of Hermione I haven't seen in the game. Are they in there?
But yeah, some of the scenes in the game might be a bit tricky to find - some of it is by design as I like the idea of players stumbling onto new things. I know it's really annoying to the completionists though, so I'm sorry, heh. The yoga stretch is a short alternative scene which happens if you turn Nanako down in the intro. As for Hermione's upskirt, it's also in there. You'll need to peep on Hermione in the toilets, under the stall door, and her corruption has to be 30 or greater.
This game is honestly really fun to play i like how you see the girls slowly open up BUT only getting 1 point every time to witchever choice you make is kinda frustrating...i get it if its a build up thing but can we at lest get up to 2-3 points for a normal interaction VS only getting 1-3 or 5 for a big interaction...cause how much grind there is, is kind of a put off to the game...but other than that the game is fun/good
Hmm, yeah, I'll try to balance the game to feel more rewarding. The stat checks in the game are pretty low-end as well, so they should be pretty easy to reach if you just play naturally, but yeah, I understand your point :) I'll work on it!
What scenes? If you mean the club scenes, just have them work in the club and they'll slowly start opening. The next update will make the requirements clearer.
yes i mean the club scenes. but does all students have their own personal event per room tho? or per students just have personal events for specific room? cuz all i know is that hermione has personal event on hangout room, olivia has personal event on massage parlor, etc.
They should slowly become available as you keep the girls working, but the 0.07 update will make it a lot clearer - it will show all the scenes available per room and what's required to unlock them.
And most rooms have general events that are the same for everyone, but there are personal events as well. Not a lot as of yet, but I'm going to add a lot more.
There should we a walkthrough text file in the game folder, and there's a separate one available to download on this game's download page :) Hope those will help!
Been enjoying the game so far, but when I updated from 0.067 to 0.0671, there was a trojan included in the file. Fortunately, both my antivirus and the Itch client caught it and deleted it, but I'm concerned. What's the deal?
Okay, thank you for the answer. I will patiently wait for future updates and look forward to a Chinese translation, even if it's an AI machine translation. Sorry, my English is very poor and I can only rely on translation software
I am enjoying this overall experience of a game! The story and characters are incredibly fun, and it is exciting to see all the different interactions as they evolve. I appear to be having issues with certain girls glitching when taking them out for coffee to try and earn more affection. Lily is pretty consistent, with either it glitching out, and no credit for affection, or any interaction with Cindy results in an error log that I have to rollback and then Q. Load (I have learned to Q. Save often). Hermione is the other one. Not as bad as Lily, but still glitches for no affection credit. I have given up on Anna for now (I am guessing more content for her later?) - but I cannot do anything with her at the moment, other than catch her in the act every now and then... Olivia's content seems only driven from the Club interactions or after class questions. There is no taking her out for coffee or a movie. Will that change?
Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're liking the game!
Hmm, I'll take a look at Lily's and Hermione's coffee date scripts - there are probably some minor errors (I've probably mistyped something) that cause the game to throw an error to the player.
As for Anna, there isn't much indeed. She'll have a personal storyline eventually, but I'm focusing on fleshing out the club and school gameplay first. Same goes for Olivia, she doesn't have a lot to her, but certainly more than Anna. Both will get coffee dates and more story content once I'm done with other parts I'm currently busy with.
Probably not - everything is pre-rendrered. If it makes you feel any better, his size does grow as you play along... :D So, it'll become more bearable to you as you play.
1. Right now there aren't too many femdom scenes and the femdom stat doesn't affect much. There are plans for having more content "gated" behind stats, but I feel like there should be enough content to play through without it feeling a grind.
2. Well, if you've encountered the demon in the cabin for three times, the main quest should progress (though Jennifer's cabin scene seems to be a bit bugged and sometimes plays twice for reasons unknown). The demon will mainly play a part in the story and unlocking more lewd things in the game.
3. Hmm, I can't really say without knowing a bit more. What does your journal hint for her say?
4. I'll be releasing the next update as a beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar today or tomorrow. If it's all good, it'll hit public release in a couple of weeks.
1. There's only light femdom in the game, so if you're into hard femdom, like ball busting etc, I'm sorry to disappoint. But as for soft femdom, I suppose at least Cindy would count. Also Natalie has some femdom-ish scenes in her storyline. In Samantha's storyline a side character has a femdom-ish scene if your character is submissive. The main story has a few in your cabin, one with Nanako and one with someone I'd rather not spoil.
3. Ah, that just marks the end of content for her. I can see now that it can be a bit confusing, heh. Sorry about that :D
5. Not yet! And not for a few updates at least since I'm working on club and school mechanics, plus adding more content to the management game loop.
I do run into some dead ends and probably oversee some things to make next steps.
Case 1: Serena (science teacher)
Although she is on the max levels of Affection, Trust and Corruption, the question for more lewd research options still bounces (she still doesn't trust me). What to do?
Case 2: Lauren (lingerie store)
I remember a dialogue with her where she reveals she had a history in teaching health. After that dialogue I never found another clue how to get her to replace Jacob (I assume that's what should happen in the end)
Jacob is very passive and only drinks a beer with you ;-)
1. It's currently not possible to unlock the lewd options. Those will be made available in the update after the next one. The next two updates are first overhauling club mechanics and then adding new rooms etc.
2. She also cannot yet be recruited, but that might indeed be where it is heading, heh.
I'm loving this game! It's like my previous favorite game on Itch (which this has now replaced) but with the options of being submissive and apparently interracial content. I am eagerly awaiting more updates to this!
One thing I would say that would be a nice addition, if it's possible, I would love to see a "Gallery" to replay the sex scenes that have been played already.
Thanks for the kind feedback! And a gallery is definitely something I'll be wanting to add eventually.
I've actually tried a few solutions, but either they've been ridiculously heavy to run or too much manual labor, that I've so far been pushing it to the future. Alas, I'll get it done. One day.
Really like the game play, renders are great. Could use some work on the pacing and I have encountered a few bugs/crashes but not bad for an early release.
Sadly, that's probably a no for animations. Maybe one day if I can make a living developing this game, so I'll have more time for it or money to pay the animators, heh.
But out of curiosity and if you can still remember, where did you encounter those crashes? Quite a few always manage to slip into releases without me noticing, but I try to fix all of the ones that are reported :)
Still trying to figure out how to get Serena to co-operate. I'm past a certain scene and accepted it, but i still hear whispers and cant figure it out yet
Not yet. The next 2-3 updates will be pretty light on story and lewd scenes as they will overhaul the club and school systems as an attempt to actually make the management part meaningful. After those, I can probably add some Lauren content :D some side content, mind you. The main content's either going to be club scenes, Anna's new storyline or another episode for Jennifer.
There really isn't any NTR content...yet :D plus it's never gonna be mandatory - you can just hog all the girls to yourself and make them just chat and serve drinks at the club with nothing lewd going on. Well, at least while keeping lewdness at a minimum.
There isn't really anything I'd count as NTR yet. Once there is, I'll add the tag.
I mean, as is only one of the girls can even become your girlfriend. In time, all of them will have that option, but alas, it'll take time. Since I'm not really making dirty money off of this, this is just a side hobby for me, so time is precious. Maybe if I get unemployed or Patreon starts printing out money, lol.
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Uhmm.. I cant turn on the black light on investigation I dont see any button whenever im inside a cubicle.. im using android.. Thank you.. do I need to restart the whole game?
Probably not. It should be on the top of the screen opposite side from the evidence files button when you go into the rightmost stall and look at the floor. If not, I'll look into it on my Android phone just to be sure.
Thank you .. ohh damn im so stupid.. I saw it Thank you very much..
Love shirley. ❤️
You and me both, hehe.
next update pls
Tuesday's the day!
thank you it is a really nice game
version 0.0734, I can't click an option when asked to about NTR
Uh, I've never seen this one before. Let's try to figure it out. Are you starting a new game or loading an older save (and if so, was the save during Jennifer's trial scene by any chance)? What platform are you playing on?
Rather than whinge about bugs, heres info to help fix one: Samantha doesn’t have the “lower” attribute to allow pheromone or lust options if taken for coffee
Thanks for the report, and I think it should be fixed in the next public version (which is ~2-3 weeks away, depending on how soon beta is over).
So i am defending lady slutham and i am questioning the adult shop owner but for some reason i can't make him talk. I took out every evidence from toilets and shop but none evidence are proving anything. Is there something i missed?
I'm not exactly sure what part you're in, but you can download a small .txt file from the game's Itch page that has a walkthrough for the Jennifer's storyline. I suspect you either need to present the pamphlet or the business card to Kyle's 3rd statement, but you should consult the walkthrough to be sure.
Hey first of all wanna say great game! But I have a question, how do I use my upgrade points? I have 2 upgrade points for the bar and 2 for the hangout room but I don't have a selectable option to use them.
Hmm, the same screen should have buttons to spend... Are you playing on Android? If so, there might be a bug related to that, and I can fix it. If not, I'd love to see your save file in case something is terribly broken :D
I am playing on android. I can spend the money to upgrade, but then it says i have points available. On the part where it says which upgrades are active, theres nothing there to highlight or change. How do I send you my save file?
If it's on Android, then there's a bug that's preventing those from showing up. Hmm, well, the good news is that I'll be fixing the issue for the next update. The bad news is that I'm still working on that update, so it'll take a while before it'll go public. I'll probably release the beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar this week, so it'll be public and on Itch a few weeks after that.
sounds good! Keep up the good work!
I'm loving the game but I'm curious how to use the pool? I have it built but its not available or I cant use it. Am I missing something? I looked at the research and I didn't see anything listed.
Yeah, there isn't a lot of uses for it right now... You can only take some pictures of Hannah there, and one Hermione club event has a path that leads to the swimming pool.
I'll be adding more stuff to it eventually of course.
How do i efficiently make money?
Probably just play the main storyline and upgrade the club. It starts slow, but pretty soon you'll be swimming in dollars.
i have already completed the main story line, i just need to research and buy new rooms, but i loose money every night even if i change their jobs. Also when new update?
Hmm, that sounds like a bug or something... Or, do you have empty slots in the club due to club upgrades? Each slot will incur an upkeep cost and if there are slots empty, the upkeep will start to stack up.
If not, could you send me your save file somehow and I'll try to figure out where the money is going?
thank you, i had empty slots in the club.
Now i get 1000$ every night
Hello everyone,
I can't seem to find how to announce that the role of class president will be reinstated. I tried showing up at all classes and teaching all the classes I could, it never worked.
I am also wondering, what are the stats required for Serena to agree to give us two more upgrade options for the club? She's currently at 38 affection, 20 trust and 8 corruption and she won't allow it.
Please, help!
Hmm, what does Hermione's hint say? If it says you should announce it, and it's not working, then that's a fresh bug I've never heard of before. Could I take a look at a save of yours?
And Serena will agree to it once you've progressed far enough in the main storyline. So, follow the hints on your personal journal page.
Thanks for the reply Sir. Love the game by the way! Indeed it says I should announce it, but everytime I try to teach a class, it doesn't work. How can I send you saves?
You can send them via Discord or upload it to a file sharing website and give me the link. Sounds like something's broken indeed if going to class doesn't trigger it.
Everything is good just need add more content and animations i think
/cries in solo dev
But glad to hear it's otherwise good! Animations might indeed be a bit difficult to pull off since this is just a single man's hobby project. Well, at least until those sweet sweet Patreon moneys start rolling in, lol. Still, even full-time in this project would probably mean I wouldn't have time for animations with everything else that needs planning, writing, coding, designing and rendering :( Sorry to disappoint.
Just finished everything I could, I agree with some of the other commenters: I think a gallery would be super helpful, not to just view all the scenes before doing anything, but as like an achievements catalog.
More Scenes for Shirley, Samantha, and Hannah would be super cool. I’m getting the Samantha private dance event(bar), but I’m still seeing a failed corruption check, so I don’t know if that’s affecting the dialogue I get. Also, connecting Samantha’s 3rd event at the Dance stage with the actor at the hotel would be a great event.
Great Work so far! I can tell how much hard work you’ve put into it. Looking forward to the next update (any current projection for when?) and more dance stage, and private room scenes!
Thanks for the feedback!
The next update will focus mainly on the school part of the game, revamping the school and grade system and tie the mechanics to the rest of the game a bit better. And as for when...I can't really say yet. I was sick for a week and my day job's work piled up while I was on sick leave, so it's been hard to find time to develop the game. It'll take 1-2 months still I think.
What's the new "small new main story chapter with a lewd event"? I cant seem to get any new things to happen, anything specific I need to do to start it?
Also when trying to get the final part of "Drinking contest!" I succeed in all checks except one, but its corruption and hers is over 100. To be exact, there are 2 corruption checks, and I succeed on the first but fail the second. Im unsure why there are even two, the second one has to be something else than her corruption score?
The following is what I get:
Samantha Corruption: 2
Samantha skill check success: Corruption
Samantha skill check success: Performance
Samantha skill check failed: Corruption
Samantha skill check success: Cheating
Hmm, there might be an issue with that particular skill check. Thanks for reporting it!
And as for the new main story chapter, it will start once you've seen the previous chapters and your club has a rating of 3 or more. If it's still not starting, could you send me your save file and I'll take a look at what might be broken?
Can you tell me in like a sentence or two what the main story event is about? Kinda forgot if I managed to trigger it or not :)
how do build the greenhouse i need it for natalies witch quest it says but have no idea how do build it.
You need to recruit Serena into your school and she'll let you research it. If you haven't met her, follow the hints on your own profile. If you've met her, follow the hints on her profile.
If you've recruited her, but you still can't research stuff, it must be a bug and I'd love to take a look at your save file.
Hey thanks i figured it out i appreciate the help.
Hi, I've purchased Club Detention however having issues downloading it. I keep getting the following message in the download dropdown box in my browser "File wasn't available on site" for the ClubDetention-0.0734-pc.zip file. Any thoughts?
Hmm, I'm not sure. I just tested the link myself and it works. Alternatively, you can try this link: https://pixeldrain.com/u/RUjaDzYV
Any input on how to increase the Cheating skill? Couldn't find anywhere that updated although a couple of the characters have increased 1 time at some point while playing. Fun game.
It mostly won't happen yet since it should only factor in when the girls are in a relationship with you. Natalie's cheating might start going up once she's your GF if you make her watch porn or force her to do lewd things in the club. Though there isn't a lot you can make her do atm. It's mainly there for future content and events.
Love the character models, they look really unique. What did you use to make them?
Thank you! And it's all DAZ and playing around with sliders and morphs until I got a look I liked. Most of them are based on a ready character and I've just tweaked it enough so that it doesn't look identical to all the games that use the same character as-is.
If only more devs bothered to do that.
This game COULD be fun, but it's a buggy frigging mess. Error after error after error. And, sure you can ignore the error reports, except in the Ren'py engine, the more errors that the player ignores, the more errors that will occur. Conversations that kick the player to the main menu, locations that seem to be black holes of error reports.
Dude, you got a TON of work to do on this game before it's even ready for release as a demo, much less a game.
I got it saved in my library, but I don't want to even think about it again until V1.0 is ready for release.
I always do a lot of hotfixes because catching all of the errors before releasing is impossible for a solo dev. Though I can't fix any bugs that aren't reported to me.
Sounds like you're encountering a recurring bug which keeps throwing you an error. Could you describe it to me or send a screenshot of the error message?
Look, I'm not trying to be a dick to you, but I think that you would be better off slowing down the development and focus on fixing the bugs that are currently there. As Bethesda has taught us since 'Morrowind' adding new stuff on top of a broken base only makes everything worse in the long run.
As for reporting the bug, I didn't screenshot it. I made it to the day when the girls are introduced to the hang-out room. After which, I saw the red exclamation point on the club's portion of the menu bar, so I clicked it. When I went through the tutorial for it, it kicked me to the main menu. This happened 3 times in a row until I just chose to skip the tutorial altogether. At that time, it was dusk, so I had time to kill. So I went to the bookstore in town, and that's where the first error occurred. I loaded the game from a previous save, and tried again, but the error still occurred. I tried to roll back, but it was like the error screen was frozen. So I reloaded from a previous save again, and tried one more time. The error screen popped up again, and this time I skipped it. The very next text box was fine, the one after that resulted in an error. I reloaded the game from a previous save, and went to the bar instead. And immediately got an error screen. At which point I said "fuck it," and deleted the game from my drive.
Your game has a really good premise. The characters look good. The short time I spent interacting with them was fun. But no matter how interesting the individual components are, if they combine into aggravation it's all for naught. I wish you the best of luck, because I would certainly pay for a quality version of this game once it's finished.
Well, those are good tips what to look for. Tutorial doesn't return you to the game and going to the bookstore crashes for new players. Probably because I just reworked the way inventory and shops work (it used to break with rollback sometimes), but some references to old code might remain.
I playtest the game quite a lot, but it gets super hard finding the bugs as I tend to play it in a certain way even if I try to do things "out of order". Other people just click on things at different points of the game than I would, so a lot of stuff goes unnoticed by me until people report them. Luckily people report bugs pretty often on Discord or forums. But yeah, I get that it's frustrating to run into a ton of bug and tbh I would've probably also quit on a game after running into so many.
I only hope your experience is not the average experience since there are no people flooding my Discord with bug reports 😅 feel free to check up on the game in the future - it might get better. It might not, but I'm forever an optimist.
I hope that my experience is unnatural too. And I will definitely be keeping my eye on this game. It's saved to my library so that I don't forget about it.
I don't make games. I have no practical experience with coding. However, I've been a nurse for over 30 years, and my limited time with "RPG Maker" has convinced me that coding is only slightly harder than surgery!
I seriously hope that this game continues in development and becomes one of the greats. From my short time with it, I believe that it has the potential.
I get very few or no errors, might be something specific to your situation possibly.
I'm glad there's something else to do in the club, although it's slow, it's worth looking forward to
When will the new update come out?
The public release will be in exactly one week. So, next Thursday.
Not for me. I got to the part where they explained the club and I ... said no. ( I quit the game rather than proceed with their plan.) I had an image in my head of who the MC was and agreeing to the plan didn't fit with that image at all.
Well, good that you caught yourself early rather than later :D And no worries, there's plenty of good adult games out there to try, heh.
How do I build a greenhouse for Natalie's quest?
im literally stuck, cant find it lmao
You're not alone in that, heh - I might have to add a new stage to Natalie's hints to guide players in this.
Have you recruited Serena yet? If not, you'll need to follow Serena's hints first and then build the greenhouse through her.
If you have recruited her, but the research menu is empty, we'll have to debug this a bit further :D
Oh, haven't done that yet, thanks for the heads up and awesome job with the game.
you work magic. This game is amazing. Will be supporting you on Patreon
Absolutely love the game, can't wait for the next update! Just wondering if I have missed anything though as a couple of the renders (pictures) at the top: the yoga stretching one of Natalie and the upskirt of Hermione I haven't seen in the game. Are they in there?
Thank you! :)
But yeah, some of the scenes in the game might be a bit tricky to find - some of it is by design as I like the idea of players stumbling onto new things. I know it's really annoying to the completionists though, so I'm sorry, heh. The yoga stretch is a short alternative scene which happens if you turn Nanako down in the intro. As for Hermione's upskirt, it's also in there. You'll need to peep on Hermione in the toilets, under the stall door, and her corruption has to be 30 or greater.
This game is honestly really fun to play i like how you see the girls slowly open up BUT only getting 1 point every time to witchever choice you make is kinda frustrating...i get it if its a build up thing but can we at lest get up to 2-3 points for a normal interaction VS only getting 1-3 or 5 for a big interaction...cause how much grind there is, is kind of a put off to the game...but other than that the game is fun/good
Hmm, yeah, I'll try to balance the game to feel more rewarding. The stat checks in the game are pretty low-end as well, so they should be pretty easy to reach if you just play naturally, but yeah, I understand your point :) I'll work on it!
really but how do i unlock scenes with students tho
What scenes? If you mean the club scenes, just have them work in the club and they'll slowly start opening. The next update will make the requirements clearer.
yes i mean the club scenes. but does all students have their own personal event per room tho? or per students just have personal events for specific room? cuz all i know is that hermione has personal event on hangout room, olivia has personal event on massage parlor, etc.
They should slowly become available as you keep the girls working, but the 0.07 update will make it a lot clearer - it will show all the scenes available per room and what's required to unlock them.
And most rooms have general events that are the same for everyone, but there are personal events as well. Not a lot as of yet, but I'm going to add a lot more.
im looking forward for the update then
please can someone help me, I'm working on the puzzle during the trial but I've been stuck for 1 hour! please give me the answer I love this game!
There should we a walkthrough text file in the game folder, and there's a separate one available to download on this game's download page :) Hope those will help!
Been enjoying the game so far, but when I updated from 0.067 to 0.0671, there was a trojan included in the file. Fortunately, both my antivirus and the Itch client caught it and deleted it, but I'm concerned. What's the deal?
It's a false positive....I think and hope at least. It's happened before and for some reason it's back again: https://github.com/renpy/renpy/issues/5314
I just updated the RenPy engine to a newer version, so I suspect the new version is again being flagged without a cause.
I like this game. When will we be able to see vulgar scenes of customers visiting girls? We look forward to future updates. Thank you
I can't give you any specific dates, but rest assured, vulgarity, slow corruption and depraved acts are the goals :D
Okay, thank you for the answer. I will patiently wait for future updates and look forward to a Chinese translation, even if it's an AI machine translation. Sorry, my English is very poor and I can only rely on translation software
I am enjoying this overall experience of a game! The story and characters are incredibly fun, and it is exciting to see all the different interactions as they evolve.
I appear to be having issues with certain girls glitching when taking them out for coffee to try and earn more affection.
Lily is pretty consistent, with either it glitching out, and no credit for affection, or any interaction with Cindy results in an error log that I have to rollback and then Q. Load (I have learned to Q. Save often).
Hermione is the other one. Not as bad as Lily, but still glitches for no affection credit.
I have given up on Anna for now (I am guessing more content for her later?) - but I cannot do anything with her at the moment, other than catch her in the act every now and then...
Olivia's content seems only driven from the Club interactions or after class questions. There is no taking her out for coffee or a movie. Will that change?
Thank you for all the awesome work you do!
Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're liking the game!
Hmm, I'll take a look at Lily's and Hermione's coffee date scripts - there are probably some minor errors (I've probably mistyped something) that cause the game to throw an error to the player.
As for Anna, there isn't much indeed. She'll have a personal storyline eventually, but I'm focusing on fleshing out the club and school gameplay first. Same goes for Olivia, she doesn't have a lot to her, but certainly more than Anna. Both will get coffee dates and more story content once I'm done with other parts I'm currently busy with.
Awesome to hear! Keep on doing that awesome that you do so well!
Any chance we can change the characters measurements? Hes as big as my pinky finger. I dont thinknhes pleasuring anyone with that.
Probably not - everything is pre-rendrered. If it makes you feel any better, his size does grow as you play along... :D So, it'll become more bearable to you as you play.
This game is amazing! btw where can I join the Discord server?
Thank you :) and the link's on the game page, but here it is as well: https://discord.gg/sEgkndsctd
Thanks! I want to ask one more question: When will the next version be update?
The beta is out now, so depending on how much there's to fix, I think it'll take about 2 weeks or a bit more until the public release.
Ok tks, got it
Love the game!
4 questions please.
Are there any femdom scenes if I fill up someone's femdom stat?
And is there any use for the "Demon" after you accepted the offer except getting you to have sex with 4 girls over and over?
What is the thing that Hermione is expecting from me?
When can we expect the next update?
Thanks for the love<3
1. Right now there aren't too many femdom scenes and the femdom stat doesn't affect much. There are plans for having more content "gated" behind stats, but I feel like there should be enough content to play through without it feeling a grind.
2. Well, if you've encountered the demon in the cabin for three times, the main quest should progress (though Jennifer's cabin scene seems to be a bit bugged and sometimes plays twice for reasons unknown). The demon will mainly play a part in the story and unlocking more lewd things in the game.
3. Hmm, I can't really say without knowing a bit more. What does your journal hint for her say?
4. I'll be releasing the next update as a beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar today or tomorrow. If it's all good, it'll hit public release in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for answering!
1. Are there any femdom scenes at all available now? And if so, with who?
2. Great!
3. It says in development but when talk to her she says that she is expecting something from me.
4. Perfect!
5. Another question please. Are there any trans scenes available now?
Thanks again!
1. There's only light femdom in the game, so if you're into hard femdom, like ball busting etc, I'm sorry to disappoint. But as for soft femdom, I suppose at least Cindy would count. Also Natalie has some femdom-ish scenes in her storyline. In Samantha's storyline a side character has a femdom-ish scene if your character is submissive. The main story has a few in your cabin, one with Nanako and one with someone I'd rather not spoil.
3. Ah, that just marks the end of content for her. I can see now that it can be a bit confusing, heh. Sorry about that :D
5. Not yet! And not for a few updates at least since I'm working on club and school mechanics, plus adding more content to the management game loop.
Great game!
I do run into some dead ends and probably oversee some things to make next steps.
Case 1: Serena (science teacher)
Although she is on the max levels of Affection, Trust and Corruption, the question for more lewd research options still bounces (she still doesn't trust me). What to do?
Case 2: Lauren (lingerie store)
I remember a dialogue with her where she reveals she had a history in teaching health. After that dialogue I never found another clue how to get her to replace Jacob (I assume that's what should happen in the end)
Jacob is very passive and only drinks a beer with you ;-)
Can you give me some hints how to proceed?
Thanks! And ah, sorry for the confusion :D
1. It's currently not possible to unlock the lewd options. Those will be made available in the update after the next one. The next two updates are first overhauling club mechanics and then adding new rooms etc.
2. She also cannot yet be recruited, but that might indeed be where it is heading, heh.
I'm loving this game! It's like my previous favorite game on Itch (which this has now replaced) but with the options of being submissive and apparently interracial content. I am eagerly awaiting more updates to this!
One thing I would say that would be a nice addition, if it's possible, I would love to see a "Gallery" to replay the sex scenes that have been played already.
Thanks for the kind feedback! And a gallery is definitely something I'll be wanting to add eventually.
I've actually tried a few solutions, but either they've been ridiculously heavy to run or too much manual labor, that I've so far been pushing it to the future. Alas, I'll get it done. One day.
Really like the game play, renders are great. Could use some work on the pacing and I have encountered a few bugs/crashes but not bad for an early release.
Any plans to add animations?
Thanks for the feedback!<3
Sadly, that's probably a no for animations. Maybe one day if I can make a living developing this game, so I'll have more time for it or money to pay the animators, heh.
But out of curiosity and if you can still remember, where did you encounter those crashes? Quite a few always manage to slip into releases without me noticing, but I try to fix all of the ones that are reported :)
Still trying to figure out how to get Serena to co-operate. I'm past a certain scene and accepted it, but i still hear whispers and cant figure it out yet
Ah, that's still under development. Sorry to get your hopes up. It will be ready soon though - I'm working on club improvements as it is.
it's a good man, what about Lauren? Any update on her story?
Not yet. The next 2-3 updates will be pretty light on story and lewd scenes as they will overhaul the club and school systems as an attempt to actually make the management part meaningful. After those, I can probably add some Lauren content :D some side content, mind you. The main content's either going to be club scenes, Anna's new storyline or another episode for Jennifer.
Gotcha, that sounds really cool. Enjoying the game so far, keep up the great work.
This game screams NTR everywhere and there's no ntr tag, hilarious ...
There really isn't any NTR content...yet :D plus it's never gonna be mandatory - you can just hog all the girls to yourself and make them just chat and serve drinks at the club with nothing lewd going on. Well, at least while keeping lewdness at a minimum.
I'm in. All the girls are mine.
Why don't you warn new players that there'll be NTR, disclaimer or something like that? So, It'd be easy to avoid this game without any drama.
There isn't really anything I'd count as NTR yet. Once there is, I'll add the tag.
I mean, as is only one of the girls can even become your girlfriend. In time, all of them will have that option, but alas, it'll take time. Since I'm not really making dirty money off of this, this is just a side hobby for me, so time is precious. Maybe if I get unemployed or Patreon starts printing out money, lol.